Viimeaikaiset hankinnat merenmittauspalvelut osoitteessa Suomi
2022-12-21Bay of Bothnia approaches to Kemi fairway hydrographic survey BBKE2023 (Finnish Transport and Communication Agency)
Fairway hydrographic surveys at approaches to Kemi fairway in the Bay of Bothnia
Work to be performed to IHO S-44 ed 6 and FIS-44/2021 Special Order and Order 1a standards, as specified in this ItT and the technical specifications.
Note 1: The opening angle of the MBES system is limited in Special Order hydrographic surveys.
Note 2: Look at what is stated in Attachment 10 Technical specifications, in chapters "1.1 The work - overview" and "2.2.2 Object detection", concerning survey order regarding to …
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2018-04-10Hydrographic surveying services in inland lakes HAKO2018 (Finnish Tranport Agency)
Hydrographic surveys in Finnish lake areas in southern and northern Savolax, lakes Haukivesi — Kolovesi (lake areas about between cities of Savonlinna and Varkaus) combining about 750 km. Work performed to IHO S-44 ed 5 and FSIS-44 standards, both hydrographic surveys and charting shore information as well as navigational aids.
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2016-02-01FTA inland waters Savonlinna-Varkaus hydrographic surveys 2016 (SAVA2016) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of hydrographic surveys in Finnish lake areas on Lake Saimaa. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise a contract between the Finnish Transport Agency and the winning tenderer.
FTA is the government agency primarily responsible for providing infrastructural services in the form of safe and accessible fairways to meet the needs of shipping in territorial as well as in EEZ waters.
The purpose of the project is to …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:IIC Technologies Ltd (UK)
2016-01-27Vesiväylätutkimukset 2016-2018 (Liikennevirasto)
Liikennevirasto on päättänyt solmia 3-vuotisia puitesopimuksia vesiväylätutkimusten (tankoharaukset ja luotaukset) toteuttamiseksi.
Lisäksi tehtävään voi liittyä erilaisia vesiväylien tutkimukseen liittyviä asiantuntijaselvityksiä.
Työt voivat koskea myös tehtäviin liittyviä T&K -tehtäviä.
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Civiltech OyFCGGeotek OyMapteam OyMeritaito Oy
2016-01-12FTA shipping fairways hydrographic surveys 2016 (VAYLA2016) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey in the specified fairways / shipping lanes in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalize contract with the Finnish Transport Agency.
FTA is the government agency primarily responsible for providing infrastructural services in the form of safe and accessible fairways to meet the needs of shipping in territorial as well as in EEZ …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2015-03-27Suur-Saimaa to Sulkava inland waters Hydrographic Survey 2015 (SSSU2015) (Finnish Transport Agency)
The purpose of the project is to perform hydrographic surveys based on the specifications and drawings included in this document and appendices. The results of these hydrographic surveys will be used in updating nautical charts and associated navigational publications. A comprehensive MBES survey of the areas specified in this document is critical for the efficient routing and safe navigation of all types of shipping.
The purpose of this procurement is to receive fixed area quotations based on a given …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2014-12-15The Bay of Bothnia Raahe-Oulu-Kemi Hydrographic Survey 2015 (BSEEZ2015) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey in the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise contract with the Finnish Transport Agency.
FTA is the government agency primarily responsible for providing infrastructural services in the form of safe and accessible fairways to meet the needs of shipping in territorial as well as in EEZ waters.
First notice on this …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Clinton Mätkonsult Ab
2014-12-05The Bothnian Sea EEZ Hydrographic Survey 2015 (BSEEZ2015) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey in the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise contract with the Finnish Transport Agency.
FTA is the government agency primarily responsible for providing infrastructural services in the form of safe and accessible fairways to meet the needs of shipping in territorial as well as in EEZ waters.
First notice on this …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2014-05-07Finland inland waters - lake Suur-Saimaa Mikkeli Hydrographic Survey 2014 (SSMI2014) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of hydrographic surveys in Finnish lake areas of Lake Saimaa. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise a contract between the Finnish Transport Agency and the winning tenderer.
FTA is the government agency primarily responsible for providing infrastructural services in the form of safe and accessible fairways to meet the needs of shipping in lakes and territorial as well as in EEZ waters.
The name of the Project …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2014-02-05The Bay of Bothnia Kokkola-Rahja Hydrographic Survey 2014 (BBKR2014) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey on Finnish shipping routes in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise contract with the Finnish Transport Agency. The name of the Project is the Bay of Bothnia Kokkola-Rahja Hydrographic Survey 2014 (BBKR2014).
First notice on this procurement was published in TED on 8.11.2013 (2013/S 217-377674).
FTA is the government agency primarily …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2014-02-05The Bothnian Sea Rauma Korsnäs Hydrographic Survey 2014 (BSRK2014) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey on Finnish shipping routes in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise contract with the Finnish Transport Agency. The name of the Project is Bothnian Sea Rauma Korsnäs Hydrographic Survey 2014 (BSRK 2014).
First notice on this procurement was published in TED on 8.11.2013 (2013/S 217-377674).
FTA is the government agency primarily …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2013-04-08The Inland Water Hydrographic Surveys 2013 (JJKJ2013) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey on Finnish Inland waters in Vuoksi water system. The goal for this procurement process is to finalize contract with the Finnish Transport Agency. The name of the Project is the Finnish Inland Waters Hydrographic Surveys 2013 (Finland - JJKJ2013).
First notice on this procurement was published in TED on 13 Nov 2012 (2012/S 218-359345).
FTA is the government agency …
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2013-04-05Vesiväylien tutkimukset (Liikennevirasto)
Puitejärjestelynä suoritettavat vesiväylien tutkimukset vuosien 2013–2015 aikana. Työt toimitetaan puitejärjestelyn piiriin kuuluvina toimeksiantoina. Töiden tarkennukset selviävät tarjouspyynnöstä sekä sen liitteistä.
Hankinnan kohteena ovat vesiväylillä suoritettavat tutkimustyöt, pääasiassa tankoharaustyöt, mutta myös vesiväylillä suoritettavia akustisia mittauksia hankitaan. Vesiväylätutkimuksia hankitaan merialueille.
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2013-03-28The Gulf of Finland Areal Hydrographic Surveys 2013 (GOFA 2013) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey on Finnish territorial water in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalize contract with the Finnish Transport Agency. The name of the Project is the Gulf of Finland Areal Hydrographic Surveys 2013 (GOFA 2013).
First notice on this procurement was published in TED on 13.11.2012 (2012/S 218-359345).
FTA is the government agency primarily …
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2013-01-25The Aland Sea and southern Bothnian Sea Hydrographic Survey 2013 (ASBS 2013) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey on Finnish shipping routes in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise contract with the Finnish Transport Agency. The name of the Project is Aland Sea and southern Bothnian Sea Hydrographic Survey 2013 (ASBS 2013).
The Buyer has received EU TEN-T grant as part of the Motorways of the Baltic Sea study for this project.
First notice on …
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2013-01-22The Bay of Bothnia Helsingkallan Hydrographic Survey 2013 (BBHK 2013) (Finnish Transport Agency)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your Tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey on Finnish shipping routes in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise contract with the Finnish Transport Agency. The name of the Project is Bay of Bothnia Helsingkallan Hydrographic Surveys 2013-14 (BBHK 2013).
The Buyer has received EU TEN-T grant as part of the Motorways of the Baltic Sea study for this project.
First notice on this …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2012-03-15Sisävesimerenmittaus Pohjois-Savon vesialueilla 2012 (Liikennevirasto / Kunnossapito / Merikartoitus)
Liikenneviraston Merikartoitus-osasto (tilaajaviranomainen) pyytää tarjouksia merenmittaussuoritteista Pohjois-Savon vesialueilla avoimen hankintamenettelyn mukaisesti. Tarjouspyynnön kohteena olevien merenmittaussuoritteiden lopputuotteina ovat merikartoitustiedot tässä tarjouspyynnössä ja sen liitteissä määritellyiltä sisävesillä sijaitsevilta alueilta. Tarjouspyynnön sisältämät merenmittaustehtävät ovat aluemittauksia, väylämittauksia sekä venereittimittauksia tarjouspyynnön ja sen liitteiden …
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2012-01-30Baltic Sea and Bay of Bothnia 2012 hydrographic survey (BSBB 2012) (Finnish Transport Agency / Hydrographic Office)
Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) invites you to submit your tender on the service of a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) System Hydrographic Survey on Finnish shipping routes in the Baltic Sea. The goal for this procurement process is to finalise contracts with the Finnish Transport Agency. The name of the Project is Baltic Sea and Bay of Bothnia Hydrographic Surveys 2012 (BSBB 2012).
The Buyer has received EU TEN-T grant as part of the Motorways of the Baltic Sea study for this project.
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Fugro OSAE GmbHMarin Mätteknik Ab
2011-03-25Sisävesimerenmittaus Kuopion alue 2011 (Liikennevirasto / Kunnossapito / Merikartoitus)
Liikenneviraston Merikartoitus (tilaajaviranomainen, jäljempänä "tilaaja") pyytää kiinnostuneita tahoja tarjoamaan merenmittauspalveluita avoimen hankintamenettelyn mukaisesti sisävesillä Kuopion alueella. Liikennevirasto vastaa merikartoitustehtävien hoitamisesta, laadusta ja oikeellisuudesta, jonka johdosta hankinta tehdään hyvässä yhteistyössä tilaajaviranomaisen ja palvelun tuottajan kesken.
Ennakkoilmoituksen (2010-026049) mukaisesti hankintojen tarkoituksena on etsiä tilaajan palvelutarpeiden …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Meritaito Oy
2011-02-25Ekolodning och ramning av båtleder för båtturism i Österbotten (Wasa Segelförening c/o John Erickson)
Kartläggning, och ramning av nuvarande och för båtturism potentiella leder och hamnar längs det österbottniska landskapets kust. Farleds- och hamnavsnitten som berörs är 14 st. och omfattar högst totalt ca 40 sjömil och samtliga kommer inte att förverkligas varför alla avsnitt bör ofereras oberoende och vart och ett avsnitt för sig. I de hamnar och farledssträckor där man inte kan uppnå ramningsdjupet 3,2 m (MW2010) skall sedimentlodning genomföras med penetrerande ekolodningsmetod. Totalt berörs 5 …
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