Hankinnat: Interact Office Turku / ELY-Centre in Turku

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Viimeaikaiset hankinnat Interact Office Turku / ELY-Centre in Turku

2018-06-04   Keep.eu IT services (Interact Office Turku / ELY-Centre in Turku)
The purpose of the procurement procedure is to award a contract for the provision of keep.eu IT services. It will include all the services that are foreseen as of now and a framework for the development of new services that are not foreseen at present. The Invitation to Tender documentation is available at the address: https://www.esourcing2.fi/prod/account/logon/default A candidate shall register at the following address to use the eSourcing system: https://www.esourcing2.fi/prod/dist/signup/supplier/interact Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Sofokus Oy