The contracting authorities intends to jointly buy:
Long-range aerial drone (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Payload should be over 6 kg. Total weight of the drone should be under 25 kg. The drone should be suitable for vertical take-off and landing. The drone will be designed as a field mapping tool for the laser scanners, optical cameras, water quality/quantity sensors, etc. These kinds of instrumentation should be able to be attached onto the drone, occasionally more than one at a time. Flight time with 6 kg payload should be 50 minutes or more. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 5 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 12 m/s flight speed or more.
Aerial drone fleet with data loading and recharging docking station (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Total weight not exceeding 25 kg, payload capacity more than 2 kg l (payload must be interchangeable e.g., RGB, spectral cameras, lidar). Therefore, these kinds of instrumentations should be able to attach onto the drone. Flight time with maximum payload should be more than 1 hrs. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 3 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 8 m/s or more.
The purchase is divided into two independent parts. Tenderers may offer any or all parts.
Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2023-08-14.
Hankinta julkaistiin 2023-06-27.
hankintailmoitus (2023-06-27) Hankintaviranomainen Nimi ja osoitteet
Nimi: University of Turku
Kansallinen rekisterinumero: 0245896-3
Postiosoite: Yliopistonmäki
Postitoimipaikka: Turku
Postinumero: 20014
Maa: Suomi 🇫🇮
Yhteyshenkilö: Jaakko Uotila
Puhelin: +358 503839896📞
Alue: Suomi/Finland🏙️
Hankintaviranomainen (lisäksi)
Nimi: Aalto University Foundation sr
Kansallinen rekisterinumero: 2228357-4
Postiosoite: Otakaari 24
Postitoimipaikka: Espoo
Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
“Long-range aerial drone with heavy payload and Aerial drone fleet with docking station”
Tuotteet/palvelut: Miehittämättömät ilma-alukset📦
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“The contracting authorities intends to jointly buy:
Long-range aerial drone (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Payload...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
The contracting authorities intends to jointly buy:
Long-range aerial drone (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Payload should be over 6 kg. Total weight of the drone should be under 25 kg. The drone should be suitable for vertical take-off and landing. The drone will be designed as a field mapping tool for the laser scanners, optical cameras, water quality/quantity sensors, etc. These kinds of instrumentation should be able to be attached onto the drone, occasionally more than one at a time. Flight time with 6 kg payload should be 50 minutes or more. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 5 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 12 m/s flight speed or more.
Aerial drone fleet with data loading and recharging docking station (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Total weight not exceeding 25 kg, payload capacity more than 2 kg l (payload must be interchangeable e.g., RGB, spectral cameras, lidar). Therefore, these kinds of instrumentations should be able to attach onto the drone. Flight time with maximum payload should be more than 1 hrs. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 3 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 8 m/s or more.
The purchase is divided into two independent parts. Tenderers may offer any or all parts.
Näytä lisää
Arvioitu arvo ilman arvonlisäveroa: EUR 600 000 💰
Tietoa eristä
Tarjouksia voidaan jättää kaikista eristä
Long-range aerial drone (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Payload should be over 6 kg. Total weight of the drone should be under 25 kg. The drone should be suitable for vertical take-off and landing. The drone will be designed as a field mapping tool for the laser scanners, optical cameras, water quality/quantity sensors, etc. These kinds of instrumentation should be able to be attached onto the drone, occasionally more than one at a time. Flight time with 6 kg payload should be 50 minutes or more. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 5 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 12 m/s flight speed or more.
Further, drone should have:
- CE label
- Safety systems for landing (e.g. parachute)
- Operation wind conditions, up to 12 m/s wind speed (higher values preferred)
- Electric or hybrid motor
- Remote control: radio control up to 15 km range. Option to be able to support longer range 30 km+ have to be offered this can be e.g. LTE link or a satellite C2 link. Also real-time video feed from drone to remote control have to be included.
- Size of the system: under 3 meters in diameter, transport less than size 2 m in diameter
- Maintenance program, costs of the maintenance and maintenance programme (done by user or company) should be specified. (user maintenance preferred)
- Operating Temperature -10 to 40C, (lower temperatures preferred)
- The drone should be equipped with a location positioning system (GNSS: GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou+Galileo). Options for RTK and VRS functions are required.
- The Ingress protection rating must be IP45 at minimum. (higher values preferred)
- Applications: Remote control software. Cloud Platform support (EU based), can be own cloud or a support of 3rd Party Platforms through API or similar.
Näytä lisää Myöntämisperusteet
Hinta ei ole ainoa myöntämisperuste, ja kaikki perusteet ilmoitetaan ainoastaan hankinta-asiakirjoissa
Hankinnan laajuus
Arvioitu kokonaisarvo ilman arvonlisäveroa: EUR 300 000 💰
Aloituspäivä: 2023-11-01 📅
Tietoa vaihtoehdoista
Vaihtoehdot ✅
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus:
“This slot includes mandatory options such as:
Mandatory options must be offered and are:
- Option to be able to support longer range 30 km+ have to be...”
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus
This slot includes mandatory options such as:
Mandatory options must be offered and are:
- Option to be able to support longer range 30 km+ have to be offered this can be e.g. LTE link or a satellite C2 link
- Maintenance program, costs of the maintenance and maintenance programme (done by user or company) should be specified. (user maintenance preferred)
- Options for RTK and VRS functions
The use of options is at the sole discretion of the Buyers. Options are not used in price comparison or in quality evaluations so a tenderer should not include these prices into the total comparison price but inform prices in a separate appendix.
Näytä lisää Hankinnan laajuus
Tietoa Euroopan unionin rahastoista:
“This project is funded from EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), European commission and therefore certain supplier information are required prior...”
Tietoa Euroopan unionin rahastoista
This project is funded from EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), European commission and therefore certain supplier information are required prior into entering a contract.
2️⃣ Hankinnan laajuus
Otsikko: Aerial drone fleet with docking station
Erän tunnistenumero: 2
Lisätuotteet/palvelut: Kuljetusvälineet ja kuljetuksessa käytettävät aputuotteet📦
Hankinnan kuvaus:
“Aerial drone fleet with data loading and recharging docking station (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Total weight not...”
Hankinnan kuvaus
Aerial drone fleet with data loading and recharging docking station (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Total weight not exceeding 25 kg, payload capacity more than 2 kg l (payload must be interchangeable e.g., RGB, spectral cameras, lidar). Therefore, these kinds of instrumentations should be able to attach onto the drone. Flight time with maximum payload should be more than 1 hrs. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 3 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 8 m/s or more.
Further, drone and docking station should have:
- CE label
- Safety systems for landing (e.g. parachute)
- System should be fully electric
- Drone and its sensors should fit onto docking station
- Operation wind conditions, up to 12 m/s wind speed (higher values preferred)
- Size of the system: under 3 meters in diameter, transport less than size 2 m in diameter
- A water proof (IP44 minimum, recommended IP55) drone and drone platform for outdoor use.
- Minimum 4G connection with automatic data transfer to cloud service or similar.
- Costs of the maintenance and maintenance programme (done by user or company) should be specified. (user maintenance preferred)
- Operating Temperature -10 to 40C,
- The drone should be equipped with a location positioning system (GNSS: GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou+Galileo). Options for RTK and VRS functions are required.
- Battery swap and/or charge so that downtime is less than 30 minutes with a lifespan of over 1000+ cycles.
- Applications: Remote control software. Cloud Platform support (EU based), can be own cloud or a support of 3rd Party Platforms through API or similar.
Näytä lisää Hankinnan laajuus
Arvioitu kokonaisarvo ilman arvonlisäveroa: EUR 300 000 💰
Tietoa vaihtoehdoista
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus:
“This slot includes mandatory options such as:
Mandatory options must be offered and are:
- Option to be able to support longer range 30 km+ have to be...”
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus
This slot includes mandatory options such as:
Mandatory options must be offered and are:
- Option to be able to support longer range 30 km+ have to be offered this can be e.g. LTE link or a satellite C2 link
- Maintenance program, costs of the maintenance and maintenance programme (done by user or company) should be specified. (user maintenance preferred)
- Options for RTK and VRS functions
The second Aerial drone fleet with data loading and recharging docking station, at the same price and terms as the first offered Aerial drone fleet with data loading and recharging docking station.
The use of options is at the sole discretion of the Buyers. Options are not used in price comparison or in quality evaluations so a tenderer should not include these prices into the total comparison price but inform prices in a separate appendix.
Oikeudelliset, taloudelliset, rahoitukselliset ja tekniset tiedot Osallistumisehdot
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista: see ESPD
Taloudellinen ja rahoituksellinen asema
Hankinta-asiakirjoissa mainitut valintaperusteet
Tekninen ja ammatillinen pätevyys
Hankinta-asiakirjoissa mainitut valintaperusteet
Menettely Toimenpiteen tyyppi
Avoin menettely
Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tarjousten tai osallistumishakemusten vastaanottamisen määräaika: 2023-08-14
13:00 📅
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: englanti 🗣️
Jäljempänä oleva aikataulu on ilmaistu kuukausina.
Vähimmäisaika, jonka kuluessa tarjoajan on pidettävä tarjous voimassa: 4
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot: 2023-08-14
13:05 📅
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot (paikka): Turku
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot (Tiedot valtuutetuista henkilöistä ja avaamismenettelystä): Not public
Täydentävät tiedot Arvostelurunko
Nimi: Markkinaoikeus
Postiosoite: Radanrakentajantie 5
Postitoimipaikka: Helsinki
Postinumero: 00520
Maa: Suomi 🇫🇮
Puhelin: +358 295643300📞
Lähde: OJS 2023/S 124-395039 (2023-06-27)
Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta (2023-09-26) Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
“Suspension of a procurement; Long-range aerial drone with heavy payload and Aerial drone fleet with docking station”
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“The contracting authorities decided to suspend the following procurement. No agreement shall be made. The contracting authorities shall start preparing new...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
The contracting authorities decided to suspend the following procurement. No agreement shall be made. The contracting authorities shall start preparing new procurement procedure as soon as possible with revised requirements.
Long-range aerial drone (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Payload should be over 6 kg. Total weight of the drone should be under 25 kg. The drone should be suitable for vertical take-off and landing. The drone will be designed as a field mapping tool for the laser scanners, optical cameras, water quality/quantity sensors, etc. These kinds of instrumentation should be able to be attached onto the drone, occasionally more than one at a time. Flight time with 6 kg payload should be 50 minutes or more. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 5 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 12 m/s flight speed or more.
Aerial drone fleet with data loading and recharging docking station (unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)) with take-off weight less than 25 kg. Total weight not exceeding 25 kg, payload capacity more than 2 kg l (payload must be interchangeable e.g., RGB, spectral cameras, lidar). Therefore, these kinds of instrumentations should be able to attach onto the drone. Flight time with maximum payload should be more than 1 hrs. Minimum flight speed of the drone should be 3 m/s or less. Capability also to fly with up to 8 m/s or more.
Näytä lisää Tietoa eristä
Tämä sopimus on jaettu osiin ✅ Myöntämisperusteet
Laatukriteeri (nimi): Quality
Laatukriteeri (painotus): 15
Hinta (painotus): 85
Menettely Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tätä menettelyä koskeva aiempi julkaisu: 2023/S 124-395039
Sopimuksen tekeminen
Erän tunnistenumero: 1
Tiedot muista kuin palkintorahoista
Muut syyt (menettelyn lopettaminen)
Erän tunnistenumero: 2
Tiedot muista kuin palkintorahoista
Tarjouksia tai osallistumishakemuksia ei saatu tai ne kaikki hylättiin
Lähde: OJS 2023/S 188-586718 (2023-09-26)