Viimeaikaiset hankinnat rahapeli- ja vedonlyöntipalvelut osoitteessa Suomi
2023-06-30Fixed Odds Betting Solution (Veikkaus Oy)
Veikkaus calls vendors to the competition a new Fixed Odds Betting Solution that includes:
i. Fixed Odds Betting Platform as a SaaS delivery including Support and Maintenance Service.
ii. Managed Trading Services including secondary data (feeds) for operational purposes.
iii. Implementation Project. The Supplier shall perform the implementation and deployment of the Solution. The details relating to the performance of such work
are set out in a separate agreement attached to this Agreement.
iv. IT …
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2022-12-22Live Casino Games Framework Agreement (Veikkaus Oy)
Veikkaus is requesting tenders for a framework arrangement to procure a high-quality live casino gaming system including games, associated gaming platform(s), back-end system and related tools, hardware, software, and Internet connections, integration, maintenance, support, and other expert services (hereinafter the "Solution"). Veikkaus will select one supplier to provide the Solution as a Service according to the requirements and descriptions set out in the Call for Tender documents.
The maximum value …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Playtech Software Limited
2022-06-06Online Casino Games as a Service (GaaS) (Veikkaus Oy)
Veikkaus is requesting tenders for a framework arrangement to procure online casino games. Veikkaus will select one supplier to provide the online casino games as a Games as a Service (GaaS) solution. More detailed scope of the procurement is presented in annexes.
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:EveryMatrix Software Ltd
2022-03-28Online Casino Games as a Service (Veikkaus Oy)
Veikkaus is requesting tenders for a framework arrangement to procure online casino games. Veikkaus will select one supplier to provide the online casino games as a SaaS solution. More detailed scope of the procurement is presented in annexes.
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2021-09-06Tote betting SaaS system (Veikkaus Oy)
Veikkaus is looking for a new Tote Betting System as a SaaS (Software as a Service). This procurement consists of several documents that define the required solution. Documents are listed in annexes and more detailed scope of this procurement is presented in annexes.
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Racing Technology Ireland Limited
2019-06-20Gaming Point of Sale Terminals' and Applications' Life Cycle Services (Veikkaus Oy)
Aim of the procurement is to enable Veikkaus to rebuild and combine its sales services into its own new sales application, which shall be implemented into around 1 000 — 5 000 new point of sale terminals. So, Veikkaus is looking for around 5 000 new sales terminals and peripherals and their life cycle services. These life cycle services are divided in two categories: device services and Services for software development.
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2019-03-12Gaming Chips (Veikkaus Ltd.)
Veikkaus invites tenderers to submit a tender for professional gaming chips. The gaming chips will be used in Veikkaus' gaming locations, arcades and casinos in Finland. The Contracting Authority will make a Framework Agreement with one (1) supplier. In addition, Veikkaus will choose one supplier as a reserve. The agreement period shall commence on signing of the agreement and shall be permanent. The agreement may be terminated after one (1) year earliest with a term of notice of six (6) months.
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Matsui Europe Ltd.
2019-01-28Sports Betting Service and Managed Trading Services (Veikkaus Oy)
The purpose of the procurement of a new sports betting service is to secure the competitive offering of Veikkaus sports betting products in Finland. In spite of the Finnish monopoly, there are no IP-address or money transfer blocking in place for gaming services. Therefore, the competition is fierce in the digital channel. Veikkaus has been able to sustain the market share quite well. However, there are some signs that the market share will decline if Veikkaus is not able to match the competition with …
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:SBTech Malta Ltd
2016-12-21Virtual betting (Raha-automaattiyhdistys)
The object of the procurement is to establish a Framework Agreement for virtual betting. The Framework Agreement will be made with three (3) suppliers unless there are fewer suitable suppliers and admissible tenders.
The agreement period is two (2) years with the option of extending the contracts with 12 months and further with another 12 months.
The purchase will be implemented on the terms and as per the requirements described in this invitation to restricted procedure and in the invitation to tender …
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2013-06-19RAY:n pelikehityskumppanit (Raha-automaattiyhdistys)
Raha-automaattiyhdistys (RAY) pyytää osallistumishakemuksia pelikehityskumppanien hankintaa koskevaan kilpailutukseen.
Raha-automaattiyhdistys (RAY) etsii yhteistyökykyisiä, innovatiivisia ja osaavia pelien ja pelikehitysympäristön kehitykseen ja tuottamiseen pätevöityneitä osaajia/ toimittajia. Hankittava pelikehitystyö hankitaan RAY:n oman sisäisen kehityspanoksen täydennykseksi. Pelikehitystyön painopiste on internet- ja mobiilijakelukanavissa.
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2012-12-07RAY:n pelikehityskumppanit (Raha-automaattiyhdistys)
Raha-automaattiyhdistys (RAY) etsii yhteistyökykyisiä, innovatiivisia ja osaavia pelikehitysympäristön ja pelien kehitykseen ja tuottamiseen pätevöityneitä osaajia/ toimittajia osa-alueille: Pelituotannon ohjaus, Pelisuunnittelu, Grafiikka, Äänisuunnittelu, Peliohjelmointi, Pelin kokonaistoimitus, Kehitysympäristön kehitys.
Hankittava pelikehitystyö hankitaan RAY:n oman sisäisen kehityspanoksen täydennykseksi. Pelikehitystyön painopiste on internet- ja mobiilijakelukanavissa.
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