Hankinnat: Koodi / Sisu ry

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Historiallisesti Koodi / Sisu ry toimittajia ovat olleet Mittetulundusühing Tuleviku Tehnoloogiaharidus ja OÜ FutureCoders.

Viimeaikaiset hankinnat Koodi / Sisu ry

2023-07-01   E-learning concept and environment for software coding (Koodi / Sisu ry)
Franchising of a teacher-less learning service concept and software platform for tuition-free computer software coding studies based on joint projects and peer-reviews with fellow students. The procurement includes know-how, procedures, intellectual property, use of the business model, brand, and rights to sublicense the branded service. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Mittetulundusühing Tuleviku Tehnoloogiaharidus OÜ FutureCoders