The object of the tender is a 2-chamber Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Cluster with Automatic Wafer Handling (later also “Equipment” and/or "Tool") for coating of 200mm wafer substrates, or substrates that can be placed on such carrier wafers, with different metals, nitrides and oxides with process separation between metals/nitrides and oxides, and wafer handling from chamber-to-chamber and chamber-to-cassette without vacuum breaking.
The object of the tender process is described in more detail in the invitation to tender documents.
Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2023-06-19.
Hankinta julkaistiin 2023-05-16.
Seuraavat toimittajat mainitaan hankintapäätöksissä tai muissa hankinta-asiakirjoissa:
Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
Otsikko: Plasma ALD
Reg. no 33/206/2023
Tuotteet/palvelut: Erilaiset yleis- ja erikoiskoneet📦
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“The object of the tender is a 2-chamber Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Cluster with Automatic Wafer Handling (later also “Equipment” and/or "Tool")...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
The object of the tender is a 2-chamber Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Cluster with Automatic Wafer Handling (later also “Equipment” and/or "Tool") for coating of 200mm wafer substrates, or substrates that can be placed on such carrier wafers, with different metals, nitrides and oxides with process separation between metals/nitrides and oxides, and wafer handling from chamber-to-chamber and chamber-to-cassette without vacuum breaking.
The object of the tender process is described in more detail in the invitation to tender documents.
Näytä lisää
Arvioitu arvo ilman arvonlisäveroa: EUR 1 600 000 💰
Suorituspaikka: Helsinki-Uusimaa🏙️
Pääkohde tai suorituspaikka: Espoo
Hankinnan kuvaus:
“The object of the tender is a 2-chamber Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Cluster with Automatic Wafer Handling (later also “Equipment” and/or "Tool")...”
Hankinnan kuvaus
The object of the tender is a 2-chamber Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Cluster with Automatic Wafer Handling (later also “Equipment” and/or "Tool") for coating of 200mm wafer substrates, or substrates that can be placed on such carrier wafers, with different metals, nitrides and oxides with process separation between metals/nitrides and oxides, and wafer handling from chamber-to-chamber and chamber-to-cassette without vacuum breaking.
The tool must comply with technical properties and functionality, performance specifications and acceptance criteria set out in this Annex 1. The tool must also comply with the Cleanroom equipment standard safety and contamination requirements set out in Annex 2. A tender which does not meet one or more of the requirements specified in the annexes 1 and / or 2, may be rejected for failing to comply with the call for tenders.
The tool specifications are based on the following parameters or targets:
• Deposition uniformity
• Deposited film performance characteristics
• Substrate handling without errors and wafer loss
• Recipe library
The pricing of the equipment will consist of the main price for the minimum tool requirements (“total price of the equipment”) and a separate price for the optional parts, features and efforts. The optional parts, features and efforts are not included in the total price of the equipment.
The object of the tender process is described in more detail in the invitation to tender documents.
Näytä lisää Myöntämisperusteet
Laatukriteeri (nimi): Price
Laatukriteeri (painotus): 100
Hinta (painotus): 100
Sopimuksen, puitesopimuksen tai dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän kesto
Jäljempänä oleva aikataulu on ilmaistu kuukausina.
Kesto: 12
Tietoa vaihtoehdoista
Vaihtoehdot ✅
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus:
“The contracting entity may procure the following or some of the following optional features from the contract supplier (see Annex 1):
• Optional feature 1:...”
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus
The contracting entity may procure the following or some of the following optional features from the contract supplier (see Annex 1):
• Optional feature 1: gas line and in-situ production of ozone (O3) for chamber dedicated to oxides
• Optional feature 2 : integrated ellipsometry hardware for one chamber
Offering optional features is not mandatory. Optional features are not taken into account in the price comparison of tenders.
Näytä lisää Hankinnan laajuus
Tietoa Euroopan unionin rahastoista:
“The procurement is related to EU_PREVAIL-project (Partnership for Realization and Validation of AI hardware Leadership) financed by EU funds.” Kuvaus
“Additional information regarding the section II.2.7) above: Agreement shall enter into force on the latest date of signature by the Parties and shall be in...”
Additional information regarding the section II.2.7) above: Agreement shall enter into force on the latest date of signature by the Parties and shall be in force until the Equipment has been delivered and accepted, the user training has been held and agreed payment paid, excluding clauses which legal effects are meant to survive the termination or expiration of the Agreement.
Oikeudelliset, taloudelliset, rahoitukselliset ja tekniset tiedot Osallistumisehdot
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista: As stated in the invitation to tender documents.
Taloudellinen ja rahoituksellinen asema
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus valintaperusteista: Selection criteria as stated in the invitation to tender documents
Tekninen ja ammatillinen pätevyys
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus valintaperusteista: Selection criteria as stated in the invitation to tender documents
Sopimukseen liittyvät ehdot
Sopimuksen täytäntöönpanoehdot: As stated in the invitation to tender documents.
Menettely Toimenpiteen tyyppi
Avoin menettely
Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tarjousten tai osallistumishakemusten vastaanottamisen määräaika: 2023-06-19
12:00 📅
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: englanti 🗣️
Jäljempänä oleva aikataulu on ilmaistu kuukausina.
Vähimmäisaika, jonka kuluessa tarjoajan on pidettävä tarjous voimassa: 6
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot: 2023-06-19
12:05 📅
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot (Tiedot valtuutetuista henkilöistä ja avaamismenettelystä):
“The given date is preliminary. VTT reserves the right to change the scheduled date and time.
The opening of tenders shall not be a public event.”
Täydentävät tiedot Lisätietoja
“This notice has links and/or attachments listed in” Arvostelurunko
Nimi: Markkinaoikeus
Postiosoite: Sörnäistenkatu 1
Postitoimipaikka: Helsinki
Postinumero: 00580
Maa: Suomi 🇫🇮
Puhelin: +358 295643300📞
Lähde: OJS 2023/S 096-301971 (2023-05-16)
Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta (2023-10-03) Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
Otsikko: Plasma ALD
Hankinnan kokonaisarvo (ilman arvonlisäveroa): EUR 1 586 196 💰
Hankinnan kuvaus:
“The object of the tender is a 2-chamber Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Cluster with Automatic Wafer Handling (later also “Equipment” and/or "Tool")...”
Hankinnan kuvaus
The object of the tender is a 2-chamber Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Cluster with Automatic Wafer Handling (later also “Equipment” and/or "Tool") for coating of 200mm wafer substrates, or substrates that can be placed on such carrier wafers, with different metals, nitrides and oxides with process separation between metals/nitrides and oxides, and wafer handling from chamber-to-chamber and chamber-to-cassette without vacuum breaking.
The object of the tender process is described in more detail in the invitation to tender documents.