Toimittaja: VWR International A/S

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Viimeaikaiset hankinnat, joissa toimittaja on mainittu VWR International A/S

2022-12-05   Amino Acid Analyzer (Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä)
The object of this procurement is a fully automated amino acid analyzer (also "AAA" or "Device"), all the reagents and equipments required for the analysis and a service agreement. The analyzer is intended for the detection and quantitative analysis of amino acids in physiological fluids: plasma, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. The amino acid profile allows diagnosis and monitoring of inborn errors of metabolism. HUS Logistics, HUSLAB at HUS Diagnostic Center, Helsinki, Finland, aims to purchase an AAA to … Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: VWR International A/S