Toimittaja: UniSystems Information Technology Systems Commercial SA

Yksi arkistoitu hankinta

UniSystems Information Technology Systems Commercial SA on perinteisesti ollut seuraavien tuotteiden toimittaja tietotekniset palvelut: neuvonta, ohjelmistojen kehittäminen, Internet ja tuki, ohjelmointi ja siihen liittyvät neuvontapalvelut ja datapalvelut.

Viimeaikaiset hankinnat, joissa toimittaja on mainittu UniSystems Information Technology Systems Commercial SA

2014-11-18   Provision of IT services for IT applications of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), including C&L inventory, C&L... (European Chemicals Agency (ECHA))
The scope covers services for selected existing IT systems, the majority of which are JEE applications custom-built for ECHA, as follows: development, maintenance and support services; building, configuring and managing environments (typically ECHA test, pre-production and production environments) running on ECHA ICT infrastructure; deploying applications into target environments, including production environment; managing applications and their environments running on ICT infrastructure provided by ECHA. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Trasys SA UniSystems Information Technology Systems... UniSystems Information Technology Systems...