Toimittaja: UniSystems Information Technology Systems Commercial SA in consortium with Trasys SA

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UniSystems Information Technology Systems Commercial SA in consortium with Trasys SA on perinteisesti ollut seuraavien tuotteiden toimittaja tietotekniset palvelut: neuvonta, ohjelmistojen kehittäminen, Internet ja tuki, ohjelmointi ja siihen liittyvät neuvontapalvelut ja datapalvelut.
Historiallisesti kilpailevat tarjoajat ovat olleet Trasys SA ja UniSystems Information Technology Systems Commercial SA.

Viimeaikaiset hankinnat, joissa toimittaja on mainittu UniSystems Information Technology Systems Commercial SA in consortium with Trasys SA

2014-11-18   Provision of IT services for IT applications of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), including C&L inventory, C&L... (European Chemicals Agency (ECHA))
The scope covers services for selected existing IT systems, the majority of which are JEE applications custom-built for ECHA, as follows: development, maintenance and support services; building, configuring and managing environments (typically ECHA test, pre-production and production environments) running on ECHA ICT infrastructure; deploying applications into target environments, including production environment; managing applications and their environments running on ICT infrastructure provided by ECHA. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Trasys SA UniSystems Information Technology Systems... UniSystems Information Technology Systems...