2020-03-30   Henkilöstön vuokrauspalveluiden hankinta 2020–2022 (1+1) (Kajaanin kaupunki)
Kajaanin kaupunki / Kainuun hankintarengas pyytää tarjoustanne henkilöstövuokrauksesta lyhytaikaisiin ja äkillisiin sijaistarpeisiin tämän tarjouspyynnön ja sen liitteiden mukaisesti. Hankinta on jaettu osiin seuraavasti: – Osa 1. Ateria- ja puhtauspalveluiden työntekijät – Osa 2. Uimahallipalveluiden työntekijät – Osa 3. Varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijät – Osa 4. Kiinteistöhuoltopalveluiden työntekijät – Osa 5. Toimistopalveluiden työntekijät. Kaikki yhteisöt eivät ole mukana kaikkien ryhmien osalta, … Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Barona HoReCa Oy Eezy Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy Rekrytointipalvelu Sihti SOL henkilöstöpalvelut Oy StaffPoint Oy
2016-09-29   Provision of interim staff to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (European Chemicals Agency (ECHA))
The aim of this open call for tenders is the signature of multiple framework contracts in cascade with several service providers for the provision of interim services for ECHA to perform tasks corresponding to the profiles mentioned in the tender specifications. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Adecco Finland Oy Barona HR Oy ManPowerGroup Oy Opteam yhtiöt Oy
2016-06-10   Provision of assistance services for the information centre of the European Commission Representation in Finland:... (European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, Representation in Finland)
The information and communication assistant mainly concentrates on the advisory tasks, both external and internal requests, and has the overall responsibility of the management of the information centre. The tasks of the Info Point assistant are advising the general public in getting EU-related information, coordinating group visits to the Representation, participating in special events arranged mainly at the Representation and replying to external and internal requests. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: ManPowerGroup Oy
2014-11-10   Framework service contract for the provision of interim staff to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (European Chemicals Agency (ECHA))
The aim of this call for tenders is the signature of a multiple framework service contract (in cascade) for the provision of interim services for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to perform tasks relevant to the 14 profiles mentioned in the tender specifications. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Barona Henkilostopalvelut Oy ManPowerGroup Oy StaffPoint Oy
2014-07-04   Assistance services of the European Public Space of the European Commission Representation and the European... (European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, Representation in Helsinki)
Organisation of events; answering enquiries during the events; ensuring the availability of publications/information material. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Oy Academic Work Suomi AB
2011-11-11   ECHA/2011/191: multiple FWC — provision of interim staff to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki (European Chemicals Agency (ECHA))
ECHA wishes to conclude multiple framework contracts in cascade, with interim service providers, for the provision of interim staff for ECHA to perform tasks relevant to the following types of profiles: secretary/clerical tasks, administrative support, communication support, human resources support, conference hostess or host, conference organiser, budgetary and financial accountancy support, procurement and contract management support, ICT staff (e.g. database administrator, system … Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Barona Henkilostopalvelut Oy Manpower Oy
2011-05-19   Assistance services for the Information Centre of the European Commission Representation in Finland (Representation of the European Commission in Finland)
In the framework of its information and communication activities, the Representation of the European Commission in Finland has an information service at citizens' disposal in its premises. This service consists of an Infopoint and reference library which provides a daily information service to citizens, both specialists and the general public, and visiting groups. In this context, the Commission is seeking a contractor to provide assistance services in the Infopoint of the European Commission … Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Manpower Oy