Helen Ltd (later "The Contracting unit" or "The Client") aims to be carbon neutral energy company by 2030. In order to achieve its carbon neutrality targets, Helen has commited to stop using of coal by 2024, and is currently seeking and piloting non-combustion based energy solutions for its energy production. The Contracting unit is now planning to implement air-to-water-heat pump- plant (AWHP) to Helsinki, Salmisaari.
In this procurement The Contracting unit is seeking a supplier for heat collector setup to Salmisaari AWHP as described in details in this EU Procurement notification (especially in section II.2.4) and in it's Annexes.
A preliminary schedule (estimates, subject to changes) for this procurement is:
9/2023 EU Procurement Notification
9/2023 Decision on Tenderers
9-10/2023 Invitation to Initial Tender
10/2023 Submission of Initial Tender
11/2023 Negotiations rounds
11/2023 Invitation to Final Tender
12/2023 Submission of Final Tender
12/2023 Decision on the awarded Supplier
This procurement will be executed as negotiated procedure.
Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2023-09-25.
Hankinta julkaistiin 2023-09-08.
Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
“Helen Ltd's procurement of heat collectors to Salmisaari air-to-water heat pump plant”
Tuotteet/palvelut: Lämmönvaihtimet, ilmastointi-, jäähdytys- ja suodatuslaitteet📦
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“Helen Ltd (later "The Contracting unit" or "The Client") aims to be carbon neutral energy company by 2030. In order to achieve its carbon neutrality...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
Helen Ltd (later "The Contracting unit" or "The Client") aims to be carbon neutral energy company by 2030. In order to achieve its carbon neutrality targets, Helen has commited to stop using of coal by 2024, and is currently seeking and piloting non-combustion based energy solutions for its energy production. The Contracting unit is now planning to implement air-to-water-heat pump- plant (AWHP) to Helsinki, Salmisaari.
In this procurement The Contracting unit is seeking a supplier for heat collector setup to Salmisaari AWHP as described in details in this EU Procurement notification (especially in section II.2.4) and in it's Annexes.
A preliminary schedule (estimates, subject to changes) for this procurement is:
9/2023 EU Procurement Notification
9/2023 Decision on Tenderers
9-10/2023 Invitation to Initial Tender
10/2023 Submission of Initial Tender
11/2023 Negotiations rounds
11/2023 Invitation to Final Tender
12/2023 Submission of Final Tender
12/2023 Decision on the awarded Supplier
This procurement will be executed as negotiated procedure.
Suorituspaikka: Helsinki-Uusimaa🏙️
Pääkohde tai suorituspaikka: Helsinki, Finland
Hankinnan kuvaus:
“The Contracting unit is planning to implement air-to-water-heat pump- plant (AWHP) to Helsinki, Salmisaari. AWHP plant will produce heating and cooling to...”
Hankinnan kuvaus
The Contracting unit is planning to implement air-to-water-heat pump- plant (AWHP) to Helsinki, Salmisaari. AWHP plant will produce heating and cooling to Helen's district heating (DH) and district cooling (DC) networks. AWHP plant is an air-source-heat pump system consisting of two main components: outdoor installed heat collectors and indoor installed DH supplying water-to-water heat pump units. Indoor heat pump units are installed into separate engine room (two storeys high). Heat collectors are installed to the roof of engine room. Outdoor installed heat collectors provide heat to an intermediate fluid network. Indoor installed heat pump units take heat from the intermediate fluid network and supply heat to the DH network.
In this procurement The Contracting unit is seeking a supplier for outdoor installed heat collector setup including all the necessary auxiliaries, accessories and services within the delivery limits (commissioning, necessary training etc.). Installation work (connections to The Client's pipe networks) including lifting the heat collectors to the roof are not included to scope of supply, but can be offered as an option. Each heat collector shall be capable to operate independently. The heat collectors heat the heat transfer fluid in intermediate network. Heat transfer fluid enters the heat collector, ambient air is drawn with fans and blown through heat collector fins. Heat transfer fluid gets warmer while flowing through the collector piping and then exits the heat collector. Key requirements of the heat collector setup and general conditions:
- As high total capacity from heat collectors to intermediate fluid network as possible, however min. 6000 kW when ambient temperature is 0 °C and relative humidity is 75 %
- Air flow direction is downwards.
- Electrical supply to a heat collector unit is 400 V, 50 Hz.
- Heat collectors must withstand local ambient conditions in Helsinki (snow, ambient temperature -30…+35 °C).
The heat collectors will be installed on the roof of a building. A steel frame foundation, which is elevated approximately 3,5 meters from roof surface, will be constructed by The Client. Elevation of the foundation top level is approximately +21 meters above sea level. Ground level is at +3 meters. Dimensions of the installation area is approximately 40m X 14m. Individual heat collectors are installed next to each other so that no air recirculation between heat collectors occur.
The preliminary scope of supply is described more accurately in the initial RFT and in its Annexes.
Näytä lisää Myöntämisperusteet
Hinta ei ole ainoa myöntämisperuste, ja kaikki perusteet ilmoitetaan ainoastaan hankinta-asiakirjoissa
Aloituspäivä: 2023-12-31 📅
Loppupäivä: 2024-12-31 📅
Tiedot kutsuttavien ehdokkaiden lukumäärää koskevista rajoituksista
Suunniteltu vähimmäismäärä: 3
Enimmäismäärä: 4
Objektiiviset kriteerit rajoitetun ehdokasjoukon valitsemiseksi:
“References for shortlisting: The candidate shall meet all minimum requirements stated in this EU Procurement notification. If there are more than three (3)...”
References for shortlisting: The candidate shall meet all minimum requirements stated in this EU Procurement notification. If there are more than three (3) candidates who meet the minimum requirements, the Contracting Authority may shortlist and reduce the number of candidates, however so that initial request for a tender (RFT) documentation will be send to a minimum of three (3) candidates. In case there are more than three candidates who meet the minimum requirements, the Contracting Authority may compare the candidates’ extra references and score them as stated below.
Extra references shall have been completed / taken over within past five (5) years. At least three candidates receiving the most points shall be invited to submit initial tenders. The equivalence and number of the candidates’ references will be assessed based on the written information provided by the candidates. Each eligible extra reference will be evaluated as follows:
Each extra reference gives 1 extra point: Heat collector delivery with reached min 1.5 MW heat collecting capacity.
Näytä lisää Tietoa vaihtoehdoista
Vaihtoehdot ✅
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus: Options are specified in the initial RFT
Oikeudelliset, taloudelliset, rahoitukselliset ja tekniset tiedot Osallistumisehdot
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista:
“The Tenderer Candidate shall meet and fulfill the requirements stated in the Act of the Contractors Obligations and Liability. (Please, see:...”
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista
The Tenderer Candidate shall meet and fulfill the requirements stated in the Act of the Contractors Obligations and Liability. (Please, see: https://www.vastuugroup.fi/fi-en/contractors-liability-act)
The Contracting Authority will request following valid documents (no older than three (3) months from the date submitted) in Finnish or in English language and verify the fulfillment latest on the agreement signing phase:
1. Extract from the Trade Register or relevant verification according to the Tenderer's local legislation.
2. A certificate of taxes paid from the Tenderer's local tax authority or an account that a payment agreement has been made on overdue tax payments
3. Certificates of pension insurance and payment of pension insurance premiums or an account that a payment agreement has been made on overdue pension payments.
4. A description of the collective agreement used
5. Copy of the occupational injury insurance.
6. A description of occupational health care.
If the requirements are not met, the Contracting Authority may exclude the Tenderer Candidate / Tenderer from this procurement.
If the Tenderer Candidate / Tenderer has registered to Vastuu Group's Reliable Partner service, the Tenderer Candidate / Tenderer does not need to deliver the above mentioned extracts and certificates to the Contracting Authority.
The winning Service Provider shall comply with the provisions of the Act on Posting Workers (447/2016). If it uses posted workers, the Service Provider shall set (before signing the contract) a representative in Finland, who shall have an address in Finland and who speaks Finnish. The Service Provider shall deliver (before signing the contract) among others certificates of accident and pension insurances of the posted workers working at the Contracting Authority's site in Finland.
Näytä lisää Taloudellinen ja rahoituksellinen asema
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus valintaperusteista:
“The Tenderer Candidate shall have sufficient economical and financial conditions to accomplish the project described in this EU Procurement...”
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus valintaperusteista
The Tenderer Candidate shall have sufficient economical and financial conditions to accomplish the project described in this EU Procurement Notification.
The Tenderer Candidate shall have sufficient economical and financial conditions to accomplish the project described in this EU Procurement notification. The Tendering Candidate shall have minimum rating of "2" (low risk) in D&B risk indicator Rating OR rating "A" in Nordic Triple-A Rating (Dun & Bradstreet) or similar result in corresponding credit rating model, or similar result basing on the financial statement of the Tendering Candidate.
See ESPD for more precise info on the eligibility requirements.
Näytä lisää Tekninen ja ammatillinen pätevyys
Hankinta-asiakirjoissa mainitut valintaperusteet
Sopimukseen liittyvät ehdot
Sopimuksen täytäntöönpanoehdot:
“The winning Service Provider shall, before the agreement is signed, give valid documentation according to III.1.1 and an Extract of Criminal Records of the...”
Sopimuksen täytäntöönpanoehdot
The winning Service Provider shall, before the agreement is signed, give valid documentation according to III.1.1 and an Extract of Criminal Records of the person(s) in governance, management or supervising body authority position(s) in the company.
Menettely Toimenpiteen tyyppi
Neuvottelumenettely, johon liittyy edeltävä kilpailuttaminen
Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tarjousten tai osallistumishakemusten vastaanottamisen määräaika: 2023-09-25
23:59 📅
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: suomi 🗣️
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: englanti 🗣️
Jäljempänä oleva aikataulu on ilmaistu kuukausina.
Vähimmäisaika, jonka kuluessa tarjoajan on pidettävä tarjous voimassa: 3
Täydentävät tiedot Tietoa sähköisistä työnkuluista
Sähköistä tilaamista käytetään
Sähköinen laskutus hyväksytään
Sähköistä maksua käytetään
Nimi: Markkinaoikeus
Postiosoite: Sörnäistenkatu 1
Postitoimipaikka: Helsinki
Postinumero: 00580
Maa: Suomi 🇫🇮
Puhelin: +358 295643300📞
Sähköposti: markkinaoikeus@oikeus.fi📧
URL: http://www.oikeus.fi/markkinaoikeus🌏
Lähde: OJS 2023/S 176-551237 (2023-09-08)