Keva is looking for a fully functional and operating Governance Risk management and compliance (GRC) software as a fully hosted SaaS (Software as a Service) service and its support and maintenance as defined in this Call for Tenders.
Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2023-06-12.
Hankinta julkaistiin 2023-05-05.
Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
Otsikko: GRC Software As A Service
Tuotteet/palvelut: Ohjelmatuotteet ja tietojärjestelmät📦
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“Keva is looking for a fully functional and operating Governance Risk management and compliance (GRC) software as a fully hosted SaaS (Software as a Service)...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
Keva is looking for a fully functional and operating Governance Risk management and compliance (GRC) software as a fully hosted SaaS (Software as a Service) service and its support and maintenance as defined in this Call for Tenders.
Suorituspaikka: Helsinki-Uusimaa🏙️
Hankinnan kuvaus:
“Keva is looking for a fully functional and operating Governance Risk management and compliance tool as a fully hosted SaaS (Software as a Service) service...”
Hankinnan kuvaus
Keva is looking for a fully functional and operating Governance Risk management and compliance tool as a fully hosted SaaS (Software as a Service) service and its support and maintenance as defined in this Call for Tenders. The system must be readily compatible with Keva's current risk management processes and development plan.
Keva has a simple organisation structure and one office. We gather, store and report risk management information on all organisation levels and also for projects, ad hocs etc. The system will be used for gathering and storing risk management information as well as to analyse and report the risk portfolio for verious both, internal and external users.
The system must be able to handle operational, strategic, compliance and cyber security and information security risks, not forgetting business continuity data. It is also desirable to have ability to composite risks. The emphasis in choosing this tool is on the ability of the system to analyse and produce various kinds of reports of risk positions and to govern risk data with easy-to-use workflow process.
Näytä lisää Myöntämisperusteet
Hinta ei ole ainoa myöntämisperuste, ja kaikki perusteet ilmoitetaan ainoastaan hankinta-asiakirjoissa
Aloituspäivä: 2023-08-15 📅
Tietoa vaihtoehdoista
Vaihtoehdot ✅
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus:
“Keva reserves the right to award a contract for new modules such as IT security tools, whistleblow tool and GDPR.
The tenderer agrees to be bound to this provision.”
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus
Keva reserves the right to award a contract for new modules such as IT security tools, whistleblow tool and GDPR.
The tenderer agrees to be bound to this provision.
Näytä lisää Kuvaus
“This contract is not divided into lots because doing so would make implementation technically too difficult, and coordination problems would put the...”
This contract is not divided into lots because doing so would make implementation technically too difficult, and coordination problems would put the implementation of the project and the system utilisation at risk.
Oikeudelliset, taloudelliset, rahoitukselliset ja tekniset tiedot Osallistumisehdot
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista:
“The economic operator is enrolled in relevant professional registers kept in the Member State of its establishment as described in Annex XI of Directive...”
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista
The economic operator is enrolled in relevant professional registers kept in the Member State of its establishment as described in Annex XI of Directive 2014/24/EU; economic operators from certain Member States may have to comply with other requirements set out in that Annex.
Näytä lisää Taloudellinen ja rahoituksellinen asema
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus valintaperusteista: Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents.
Menettely Toimenpiteen tyyppi
Avoin menettely
Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tarjousten tai osallistumishakemusten vastaanottamisen määräaika: 2023-06-12
09:00 📅
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: suomi 🗣️
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: englanti 🗣️
Tarjouksen on oltava voimassa: 2023-10-30 📅
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot: 2023-06-12
12:05 📅
Täydentävät tiedot Tietoa sähköisistä työnkuluista
Sähköinen laskutus hyväksytään
Nimi: Markkinaoikeus
Postiosoite: Sörnäistenkatu 1
“Helsinki (Starting from May 29, 2023, the postal address is: Radanrakentajantie 5, 00520 Helsinki)”
Postinumero: 00520
Maa: Suomi 🇫🇮
Puhelin: +358 295643300📞
Lähde: OJS 2023/S 090-276848 (2023-05-05)