Chemical analysis and related services for the Geological survey of Finland

Geologian tutkimuskeskus

A tender is requested by the Geological survey of Finland (hereafter GTK) for chemical analysis and related services. These services constitute a remarkable part of GTK's survey activities. GTK has divided the needed services in to three (3) different categories and 1 supplier will be chosen separately in each category for the contract period. The scope and objective of the public contracts to be signed are:
1. Analytical services for bedrock, exploration and geochemical surveys:
The analytical services for bedrock, exploration and geochemical surveys consist of preprocessing (drying, sieving, crushing, pulverizing) and chemical analyses of mineral soil and rock samples used for petrological studies, exploration and for geochemical surveys with some special analyses connected with weak leach methods. See more information in the tender documentation classified as A (A1-A11 + pricing list) under Appendix 1 to the invitation to tender.
2. Analytical services for environmental surveys:
The analytical services for environmental surveys include preprocessing (drying, sieving, grinding), chemical analyses and leaching tests of humus, biogenic soil, mineral soil, rock and sediment samples taken for geochemical baseline mapping, environmental studies and petrological studies as well as physico-chemical measurements and chemical analyses of water samples. See more information in the tender documentation classified as B (B1-B14 + pricing list) under Appendix 1 to the invitation to tender.
3. Analytical services for peat surveys:
The analytical services for peat surveys means preparation of peat samples, measurements of water content and/or dry matter, LOI, calorific value, C, N and S concentration and chemical analyses of 24 elements after concentrated nitric acid extraction. See more information in the tender documentation classified as C (C1 + pricing list) under Appendix 1 to the invitation to tender.
All analysing services will include the preparations and/or pre-processing of samples to be analysed. The Tenderer will also be responsible to arrange reception of the samples at GTK's main sites of operation and all logistics involved with the samples to the analysis facilities. The requested services are described in detail in the invitation to tender and its appendices.

Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2015-11-20. Hankinta julkaistiin 2015-10-06.

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Hankintojen historia
Päivämäärä Asiakirja
2015-10-06 hankintailmoitus
2015-11-19 Lisätietoilmoitus
2015-11-30 Lisätietoilmoitus
2016-03-10 Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta