Toimittaja: Tratos Consortium formed by Trasys SA (group leader) and Atos Belgium SA

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Viimeaikaiset hankinnat, joissa toimittaja on mainittu Tratos Consortium formed by Trasys SA (group leader) and Atos Belgium SA

2011-11-03   Provision of IT services for the IT applications of the European Chemicals Agency (3 lots) (European Chemicals Agency (ECHA))
The foreseen services include development/enhancement, implementation and support in production of some of the existing ECHA IT systems (REACH-IT, Iuclid, Odyssey, Chesar, RIPE, Dissemination, eChemPortal) as well as the new IT systems foreseen to be built (PIC, biocides). Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: ATOS Belgium S.A. (group leader) ATOS Belgium S.A. (partner) Consortium Atosys formed by Atos Belgium... Consortium formed by European Dynamics... European Dynamics Consortium TRASYS S.A. (group leader) TRASYS S.A. (partner) Tratos Consortium formed by Trasys SA...