Toimittaja: No bids fulfilling the conditions presented in the invitation to tender were received by the deadline

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No bids fulfilling the conditions presented in the invitation to tender were received by the deadline on perinteisesti ollut seuraavien tuotteiden toimittaja liike-elämän palvelut: laki, markkinointi, neuvonta, työhönotto, painatus ja turvallisuus, kirjanpito-, tilintarkastus- ja verotuspalvelut ja kirjanpito- ja tilintarkastuspalvelut.

Viimeaikaiset hankinnat, joissa toimittaja on mainittu No bids fulfilling the conditions presented in the invitation to tender were received by the deadline

2011-11-25   Performance of second level controls (sample checks of projects) (Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto)
Karelia ENPI CBC programme is a joint cross-berder cooperation programme between Kainuu, North Karelia, the Oulu region adn the Republic of Karelia that is accordant with the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. As per European Commission regulation, the duties of the Joint Managing Authority include arranging second level controls (sample checks of projects) for projects co-financed by the EU. The Karelia ENPI CBC programme requests tenders for the performance of second level controls … Näytä hankinnat »
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