Toimittaja: Empire Test Pilot School

Yksi arkistoitu hankinta

Viimeaikaiset hankinnat, joissa toimittaja on mainittu Empire Test Pilot School

2019-04-12   HSI, Overhauls, Repairs and Modifications for PT6A-67P Engine and its LRUs (Puolustusvoimat)
HSI, overhauls, repairs and modifications for PT6A-67P engine and its LRUs. Framework Agreement for Years 2020-2022 and option for Years 2023-2024. The application of the request to participate is attached to this noticement and is available at: Please refer to the request to participate No 4000001137 in the subject line. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Empire Test Pilot School Pilatus Aircraft Ltd