Hankinnat: Finnish Lapland Tourist Board ry (LME)

Yksi arkistoitu hankinta

Finnish Lapland Tourist Board ry (LME) on perinteisesti ollut seuraavien tuotteiden ostaja tutkimus- ja kehityspalvelut ja niihin liittyvät konsulttipalvelut, tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminnan konsulttipalvelut ja kehitystoiminnan konsulttipalvelut.

Viimeaikaiset hankinnat Finnish Lapland Tourist Board ry (LME)

2016-01-04   Accessibility consultant services for visit Arctic Europe, tourism development project (Finnish Lapland Tourist Board ry (LME))
The aim of the project in respect of this competitive tendering is to develop VAE (Visit Arctic Europe) area's accessibility to market areas, as well as to build of a functional internal accessibility model. The object of contract is accessibility section of Visit Arctic Europe project. Intra-regional transport solutions do not take into account the tourists' needs. Current forms of service are inadequate to serve individual customers who seek and purchase travel services on the Internet. The work … Näytä hankinnat »