The State Treasury of Finland (later STF) seeks to procure a economic data analysis and database tool.
The object of the procurement is a database of domestic and international economic data that is as comprehensive as possible. The Software Service and database can be used to speed up or automate the retrieval, processing, and analysis of statistical information. The background data of the service should include comprehensively e.g. materials and statistical publications related to macroeconomics, public finances and the labour market, at least for Finland, the Nordic countries and other EU member states. For other countries, key indicators are sufficient (e.g. GDP (ESA 2010 sub-items), employment rate, unemployment rate, debt ratio, deficit, inflation).
The need for a database is also related to international comparisons (including comparisons based directly on data from the countries' own statistical authorities) and quick visualization of information. In addition to the actual statistical information, the need for information also relate to economic forecasts. The service needs to include tools for easy graphic creation.
STF intends to procure access to an economic data analysis and database tool for five (5) designated users. The estimate is a nonbinding estimate.
The procurement unit withholds the right not to accept tenders from tenderers from countries that are not mandatory to accept based on international regulatory obligations such as GPA.
The subject matter of the procurement is described in Call for Tenders and its annexes.
Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2023-07-31.
Hankinta julkaistiin 2023-06-15.
Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
Otsikko: Economic data analysis and database tool
Tuotteet/palvelut: Ohjelmatuotteet ja tietojärjestelmät📦
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“The State Treasury of Finland (later STF) seeks to procure a economic data analysis and database tool.
The object of the procurement is a database of...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
The State Treasury of Finland (later STF) seeks to procure a economic data analysis and database tool.
The object of the procurement is a database of domestic and international economic data that is as comprehensive as possible. The Software Service and database can be used to speed up or automate the retrieval, processing, and analysis of statistical information. The background data of the service should include comprehensively e.g. materials and statistical publications related to macroeconomics, public finances and the labour market, at least for Finland, the Nordic countries and other EU member states. For other countries, key indicators are sufficient (e.g. GDP (ESA 2010 sub-items), employment rate, unemployment rate, debt ratio, deficit, inflation).
The need for a database is also related to international comparisons (including comparisons based directly on data from the countries' own statistical authorities) and quick visualization of information. In addition to the actual statistical information, the need for information also relate to economic forecasts. The service needs to include tools for easy graphic creation.
STF intends to procure access to an economic data analysis and database tool for five (5) designated users. The estimate is a nonbinding estimate.
The procurement unit withholds the right not to accept tenders from tenderers from countries that are not mandatory to accept based on international regulatory obligations such as GPA.
The subject matter of the procurement is described in Call for Tenders and its annexes.
Lisätuotteet/palvelut: Tietotekniset palvelut: neuvonta, ohjelmistojen kehittäminen, Internet ja tuki📦
Lisätuotteet/palvelut: Taloushallinnon tietojärjestelmät📦
Lisätuotteet/palvelut: Tietokantajärjestelmät📦
Suorituspaikka: Suomi/Finland🏙️
Hankinnan kuvaus:
“For a more detailed description of the procurement, see point II.1.4) "Short description".” Myöntämisperusteet
Laatukriteeri (nimi): Price
Laatukriteeri (painotus): 100
Hinta (painotus): 100
Sopimuksen, puitesopimuksen tai dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän kesto
Jäljempänä oleva aikataulu on ilmaistu kuukausina.
Kesto: 60
Sopimuksen, puitesopimuksen tai dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän kesto
Tämä sopimus voidaan uusia ✅ Kuvaus
Uudistusten kuvaus: After the fixed term (60 months), the contract is valid until further notice
Tietoa vaihtoehdoista
Vaihtoehdot ✅
Vaihtoehtojen kuvaus:
“The Contracting authority reserves the right to procure a maximum of three (3) licenses as an option during the contract period.”
Oikeudelliset, taloudelliset, rahoitukselliset ja tekniset tiedot Osallistumisehdot
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista: Stated in the procurement documents.
Taloudellinen ja rahoituksellinen asema
Hankinta-asiakirjoissa mainitut valintaperusteet
Sopimukseen liittyvät ehdot
Sopimuksen täytäntöönpanoehdot: Stated in the procurement documents.
Menettely Toimenpiteen tyyppi
Avoin menettely
Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tätä menettelyä koskeva aiempi julkaisu: 2023/S 079-239663
Tarjousten tai osallistumishakemusten vastaanottamisen määräaika: 2023-07-31
12:00 📅
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: englanti 🗣️
Jäljempänä oleva aikataulu on ilmaistu kuukausina.
Vähimmäisaika, jonka kuluessa tarjoajan on pidettävä tarjous voimassa: 6
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot: 2023-07-31
12:05 📅
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot (paikka): eTendering tool
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot (Tiedot valtuutetuista henkilöistä ja avaamismenettelystä): The opening of the tenders is not a public event.
Täydentävät tiedot Tietoa sähköisistä työnkuluista
Sähköistä tilaamista käytetään
Sähköinen laskutus hyväksytään
Sähköistä maksua käytetään
“Please note that time limit for receipt of tenders is in Finnish time (UTC+2 or UTC+3 depending on summer or winter time).
Tenders shall be submitted via...”
Please note that time limit for receipt of tenders is in Finnish time (UTC+2 or UTC+3 depending on summer or winter time).
Tenders shall be submitted via Supplier Portal eTendering tool: See also section I.3) "Communication" of Call for Tenders.
The scope of the procurement is described in more detail in the call for tenders and in its annexes.