Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment requests your tender for the work package WP3 Metrics for circularity between 2022 and 2023 as laid out in this call for tenders and the Annexes. The work package WP3 Metrics for circularity key tasks are proposal for voluntary metrics for following the circularity of Nordic construction.
WP3 includes the following tasks:
• Task 3.1 Review of metrics and data: Mapping of the available flows of data that are related to circular economy in construction in the Nordic countries. Review of established quantitative and qualitative metrics as well as possible meta indicators for circular economy in construction.
• Task 3.2 European development: Analysis of policy development in the EU as well as voluntary certification schemes that relate to circular economy in construction.
• Task 3.3 Linkages: Identification of key linkages between circular economy in construction, ecosystem services, biodiversity and chemical safety. Analysis of synergetic and conflicting priorities.
• Task 3.4 Development of voluntary Nordic metrics for circularity: Proposal for the minimum criteria that has potential for being adopted in different Nordic countries. Description of the metrics and their application in practice.
• Task 3.5 Reporting and suggestions for national
Tenderers compete only with quality. The value of the procurement for year 2022 is 125 000 EUR (VAT 0%) and year 2023 EUR 125 000 (VAT 0%) provided that the Ministry has received the funds from the Nordic Council of Ministries.
The main language of the project is English, but the coordinator is also required to have good knowledge of Finnish and Swedish.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will select one (1) supplier, with whom it will conclude a contract.
A more detailed timetable and reporting framework will be negotiated based on the goals of the Project as well as Suppliers project plan. There must be intermediate re-search results by the meeting of the Nordic Council of Ministers in Q3/2022.
The invoices will be paid maximum four times a year after the Supplier has submitted all agreed tasks and tasks have been accepted by the Client.
A more detailed description of the project is given in Annex1_NNCC_WP1_Description of tasks.
The invitation to tender is also published on the website
Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2022-03-07.
Hankinta julkaistiin 2022-02-04.
Seuraavat toimittajat mainitaan hankintapäätöksissä tai muissa hankinta-asiakirjoissa:
Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
“WP3 activities of project ”Nordic Network for Circular Construction”
Tuotteet/palvelut: Tutkimus- ja kehityspalvelut ja niihin liittyvät konsulttipalvelut📦
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment requests your tender for the work package WP3 Metrics for circularity between 2022 and 2023 as laid out in this...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment requests your tender for the work package WP3 Metrics for circularity between 2022 and 2023 as laid out in this call for tenders and the Annexes. The work package WP3 Metrics for circularity key tasks are proposal for voluntary metrics for following the circularity of Nordic construction.
WP3 includes the following tasks:
• Task 3.1 Review of metrics and data: Mapping of the available flows of data that are related to circular economy in construction in the Nordic countries. Review of established quantitative and qualitative metrics as well as possible meta indicators for circular economy in construction.
• Task 3.2 European development: Analysis of policy development in the EU as well as voluntary certification schemes that relate to circular economy in construction.
• Task 3.3 Linkages: Identification of key linkages between circular economy in construction, ecosystem services, biodiversity and chemical safety. Analysis of synergetic and conflicting priorities.
• Task 3.4 Development of voluntary Nordic metrics for circularity: Proposal for the minimum criteria that has potential for being adopted in different Nordic countries. Description of the metrics and their application in practice.
• Task 3.5 Reporting and suggestions for national
Tenderers compete only with quality. The value of the procurement for year 2022 is 125 000 EUR (VAT 0%) and year 2023 EUR 125 000 (VAT 0%) provided that the Ministry has received the funds from the Nordic Council of Ministries.
The main language of the project is English, but the coordinator is also required to have good knowledge of Finnish and Swedish.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will select one (1) supplier, with whom it will conclude a contract.
A more detailed timetable and reporting framework will be negotiated based on the goals of the Project as well as Suppliers project plan. There must be intermediate re-search results by the meeting of the Nordic Council of Ministers in Q3/2022.
The invoices will be paid maximum four times a year after the Supplier has submitted all agreed tasks and tasks have been accepted by the Client.
A more detailed description of the project is given in Annex1_NNCC_WP1_Description of tasks.
The invitation to tender is also published on the website
Näytä lisää
Arvioitu arvo ilman arvonlisäveroa: EUR 250 000 💰
Suorituspaikka: Suomi/Finland🏙️
Hankinnan kuvaus: Detailed description of the procurement is given in Annex1.
Hinta ei ole ainoa myöntämisperuste, ja kaikki perusteet ilmoitetaan ainoastaan hankinta-asiakirjoissa
Aloituspäivä: 2022-04-01 📅
Loppupäivä: 2023-12-31 📅
Oikeudelliset, taloudelliset, rahoitukselliset ja tekniset tiedot Osallistumisehdot
Luettelo ja lyhyt kuvaus olosuhteista: See call for tenders section "Suitability requirements".
Taloudellinen ja rahoituksellinen asema
Hankinta-asiakirjoissa mainitut valintaperusteet
Tekninen ja ammatillinen pätevyys
Hankinta-asiakirjoissa mainitut valintaperusteet
Menettely Toimenpiteen tyyppi
Avoin menettely
Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tarjousten tai osallistumishakemusten vastaanottamisen määräaika: 2022-03-07
13:00 📅
Kielet, joilla tarjoukset tai osallistumishakemukset voidaan jättää: englanti 🗣️
Jäljempänä oleva aikataulu on ilmaistu kuukausina.
Vähimmäisaika, jonka kuluessa tarjoajan on pidettävä tarjous voimassa: 3
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot: 2022-03-07
14:00 📅
Tarjousten avaamista koskevat ehdot (Tiedot valtuutetuista henkilöistä ja avaamismenettelystä): The opening of the tenders is not public.
Täydentävät tiedot Tietoa sähköisistä työnkuluista
Sähköistä tilaamista käytetään
Sähköinen laskutus hyväksytään
Sähköistä maksua käytetään
Nimi: Markkinaoikeus
Postiosoite: Sörnäistenkatu 1
Postitoimipaikka: Helsinki
Postinumero: 00580
Maa: Suomi 🇫🇮
Puhelin: +358 295643300📞
Lähde: OJS 2022/S 028-071605 (2022-02-04)
Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta (2022-06-13) Hankintaviranomainen Nimi ja osoitteet
Yhteyshenkilö: Teo Kangaspunta
Kohde Hankinnan laajuus
Otsikko: WP3 activities of project ”Nordic Network for Circular Construction”
Lyhyt kuvaus:
“Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment requested tenders for the work package WP3 Metrics for circularity between 2022 and 2023. The work package WP3...”
Lyhyt kuvaus
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment requested tenders for the work package WP3 Metrics for circularity between 2022 and 2023. The work package WP3 Metrics for circularity key tasks are proposal for voluntary metrics for following the circularity of Nordic construction.
Näytä lisää
Hankinnan kokonaisarvo (ilman arvonlisäveroa): EUR 250 000 💰
Hankinnan kuvaus:
“Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment requested tenders for the work package WP3 Metrics for circularity between 2022 and 2023. The work package WP3...”
Hankinnan kuvaus
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment requested tenders for the work package WP3 Metrics for circularity between 2022 and 2023. The work package WP3 Metrics for circularity key tasks are proposal for voluntary metrics for following the circularity of Nordic construction.
WP3 includes the following tasks:
• Task 3.1 Review of metrics and data: Mapping of the available flows of data that are related to circular economy in construction in the Nordic countries. Review of established quantitative and qualitative metrics as well as possible meta indicators for circular economy in construction.
• Task 3.2 European development: Analysis of policy development in the EU as well as voluntary certification schemes that relate to circular economy in construction.
• Task 3.3 Linkages: Identification of key linkages between circular economy in construction, ecosystem services, biodiversity and chemical safety. Analysis of synergetic and conflicting priorities.
• Task 3.4 Development of voluntary Nordic metrics for circularity: Proposal for the minimum criteria that has potential for being adopted in different Nordic countries. Description of the metrics and their application in practice.
• Task 3.5 Reporting and suggestions for national
Tenderers compete only with quality. The value of the procurement for year 2022 is 125 000 EUR (VAT 0%) and year 2023 EUR 125 000 (VAT 0%) provided that the Ministry has received the funds from the Nordic Council of Ministries.
The main language of the project is English, but the coordinator is also required to have good knowledge of Finnish and Swedish.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment selected one (1) supplier, with whom it concluded a contract.
Näytä lisää Myöntämisperusteet
Laatukriteeri (nimi): Quality of the work plan
Laatukriteeri (painotus): 50
Laatukriteeri (nimi): Balanced competence of the team
Laatukriteeri (painotus): 30
Laatukriteeri (nimi): Nordic networks of the consultant
Laatukriteeri (painotus): 20
Hinta (painotus): 0
Menettely Hallinnolliset tiedot
Tätä menettelyä koskeva aiempi julkaisu: 2022/S 028-071605
Sopimuksen tekeminen
Otsikko: WP3 activities of project ”Nordic Network for Circular Construction”
Sopimuksen tekopäivä: 2022-05-20 📅
Tietoa tarjouskilpailuista
Saatujen tarjousten määrä: 4
Pk-yrityksiltä saatujen tarjousten määrä: 1
Sähköisesti vastaanotettujen tarjousten määrä: 4
Sopimus on tehty taloudellisten toimijoiden ryhmän kanssa ✅ Toimeksisaajan nimi ja osoite
Nimi: PlanMiljø
Kansallinen rekisterinumero: 31716167
Postitoimipaikka: Veksø
Maa: Tanska 🇩🇰
Alue: Danmark 🏙️
Toimeksisaaja on pk-yritys ✅
Nimi: Ethica Oy
Kansallinen rekisterinumero: FI25583134
Postitoimipaikka: Helsinki
Maa: Suomi 🇫🇮
Alue: Helsinki-Uusimaa🏙️
Nimi: Chalmers tekniska högskola AB
Kansallinen rekisterinumero: SE556479559801
Postitoimipaikka: Göteborg
Maa: Ruotsi 🇸🇪
Alue: Sverige 🏙️
Toimeksisaaja on pk-yritys
Nimi: Environice
Kansallinen rekisterinumero: IS-66814
Postitoimipaikka: Borgarnes
Maa: Islanti 🇮🇸
Alue: Ísland 🏙️ Tiedot sopimuksen/erän arvosta (ilman alv:tä)
Sopimuksen/osuuden kokonaisarvo: EUR 250 000 💰
Alihankintaa koskevat tiedot
Sopimus tehdään todennäköisesti alihankintana
Lähde: OJS 2022/S 116-326975 (2022-06-13)