The contract award procedure is conducted through a negotiated procedure in compliance with the Finnish Act on Public Contracts and concessions by contracting authorities in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sector (1398/2016).
The procurement process is initially planned to proceed according to the following timetable (dates in, which the contracting authority reserves the right to amend:
20.04. — Questions regarding the invitation to participate via supplier portal
23.04. — Answers given via supplier portal
04.05. — Submissions deadline for request to participate
11.05. — Selection of the candidates
12.05. — Invitations to negotiations
18.05.— 04.06. — Negotiations
— final invitation to tender by week 25/2020,
— questions regarding the final invitation to tender,
— answers given via supplier portal,
— submission deadline for tender by week 31/2020,
— contract award notice per each lot by week 33/2020,
— contracts may be signed no earlier than 14 days after the date of contract award notice.
In this first phase of the procurement, candidates are invited to submit a request to participate for one, several or all the four subareas (hereinafter also called lots) of the procurement as set out in Annex 1 (Request to Participate). The candidate shall indicate the lots in which it wishes to participate by ticking the corresponding box in the form as well as in procurement object criteria in supplier portal.
The first phase of implementation is planned to begin in September 2020 and the major project regarding the implementation of new devices are planned to take place in Q2/2021 through Q2/2022. Further information about the preliminary schedule can be found in Annex 2 of Preliminary invitation to tender.
The contracting authority will, after the selection of the candidates, send an invitation to the first negotiation meeting to the selected tenderers, together with an updated preliminary request to tender documents (complementing information in this document and its annexes). The selected tenderers are requested to fill out a written questionnaire before the negotiations, after which the negotiations will be initiated.
In the first meeting the tenderers are invited to provide feedback, comments and suggestions for possible improvement of the preliminary invitation to tender documentation. If necessary, the contracting authority may request clarification of the bidders' feedback, comments and suggestions either in writing (including email) or in person. The contracting authority may invite the tenderers to several rounds of meeting, if deemed necessary by the contracting authority. Different lots of the procurement may have different amount of negotiations rounds.
Tenderer-specific negotiations may be conducted by online call system (e.g. Skype, Teams or similar) or at the contracting authority’s headquarters at Helsinki Airport, Finland. However, the contracting authority reserves the right to change the time, place, manner of participation and form of negotiations.
The negotiations shall be conducted in English. The procedure entails negotiations with the selected tenderers regarding e.g. the scope (such as content and specifications of the devices to be procured and requirements, service levels and implementation of related services) of procurement, pricing and other terms and conditions of the procurement.
After completion of the negotiations, the contracting authority will draft a final invitation to tender and request all selected tenderers to submit their tenders, complying with the terms and conditions determined in the final invitation to tender.
The candidates are not entitled to charge the contracting authority for participating in negotiations or for responding to the invitation to participate or invitation to tender.
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