Procurement, Installation and Maintenance of Automated Border Control System with Self-Service Systems and e-Gates

The Finnish Border Guard

Procurement, installation and maintenance of an automated and machine assisted border control concept comprising sef-service kiosks, e-Gates and supporting components of manual border checks.
The procurement and deployment will be divided in the following steps:
— Installation of 50 e-Gates during 2019,
— Installation of self-service kiosks and manual control devices during 2020,
— Definition and deployment of new workflows during 2020.
Installation of the e-Gates will comprise deployment of existing workflows for EU- and TCN citizens in the existing infrastructure, including the usage of web-services. At the final stage all the devices and manual booths are required to function as one integrated concept, including 1:1 and 1:n facial verfication/identification.

Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2018-08-24. Hankinta julkaistiin 2018-08-01.

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Hankintojen historia
Päivämäärä Asiakirja
2018-08-01 hankintailmoitus
2019-06-28 Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta