Generator major overhaul

Fortum Power and Heat Oy

Fortum Power and Heat Oy, operating and maintaining its jointly owned TSE-Naantali Oy's Power Plant in Naantali, will carry out a major overhaul to Power Plant's 3rd production unit's Generator. Generator is hydrogen chilled and it's originally manufactured by Kraft Werk Union AG. It's type and main technical values are: Generator KWU THDI 105/40, N:o 127027 10500 V, 7640/8590 A, 138900/156250 kVA, cosφ 0,9/0,8, 3000 r/min, 50 Hz, magnetization 210/240 V, 1420/1640.
Generator overhaul will be done in Power Plant's summer revision in 2014 which has preliminary been planned to be carried out in 10 weeks between 12.5.2014 and 21.7.2014.
If you are interested to participate to tendering, please leave your application by 5th of August 2013 at 12:00 Finnish time to and
In the application please inform the following:
1. Participating company's official name and ID number
2. Main references from Generator overhauls from recent years
3. Contact information (contact person and e-mail address) where to deliver the offer request.
Offer request will be delivered to accepted applicants at 12th of August and dead line for the offers will be 15th of September. Suppliers which have given competitive offer will be asked for further negotiations.

Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2013-08-05. Hankinta julkaistiin 2013-07-01.



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2013-07-01 hankintailmoitus