Järvenpää CHP Project - DCS and SRS

Fortum Power and Heat Oy

Fortum Power and Heat Oy is planning to improve the existing district heat production capacity by installing a new combined heat and power plant (the CHP Plant) to cover the base district heat load of the city of Järvenpää, Finland.
The power plant concept consists of 76 MW fuel-power BFB boiler plant and 23 MW electric power steam turbine generator plant. The new plant is planned to be in commercial operation in the middle of year 2013.
This supply consists of DCS (distriputed control system) and SRS (safety related systems).

Tarjousten vastaanottamisen määräaika oli 2011-08-12. Hankinta julkaistiin 2011-07-07.

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Hankintojen historia
Päivämäärä Asiakirja
2011-07-07 hankintailmoitus
2011-07-13 Lisätietoilmoitus
2012-08-22 Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta
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