2020-07-01Laser System for Multiphoton Imaging (Helsingin yliopisto)
Widely tunable ultrafast laser system for multiphoton imaging, such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS). The system should provide two synchronised high power pulsed laser beams. One that is fixed and one that is tunable such that the system provides a Raman shift range of at least 400-4000 cm-1. An additional spectral focusing unit, which allows timing and combination of the two laser beams, plus spectral focusing for Raman spectroscopy.
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Azpect Photonics AB
2016-01-21Ultrafast laser system (Aalto University Foundation)
A complete turnkey, standalone ultrafast laser system with Ti:Sapphire oscillator, regenerative amplifier and optical parametric amplifier.
More detailed requirements are presented in the invitation to tender, available on request at: registry@aalto.fi
Please include the reference D/466/ in the request message.
Näytä hankinnat » Mainitut toimittajat:Azpect Photonics AB