Hankinnat: Maastoautot

2 arkistoidut hankinnat

Viimeaikaiset hankinnat maastoautot osoitteessa Suomi

2022-02-28   Procurement of Field Vehicles to Nepal (Niras Finland Oy)
Procurement of 3 new 4*4 field vehicles for a Development Aid project in Karnali Region, Nepal Näytä hankinnat »
2018-12-07   Request for Quotation — 8 SUV 4x4 Motor Vehicles (FCG International Ltd)
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland has signed a contract with FCG International Ltd, in consortium with FCG Swedish Development AB, for the implementation of the Forestry and Value Chains Development (FORVAC) Programme in Tanzania, with duration of 4 years, and covering 8 districts in Tanzania. The Programme is procuring eight (8) vehicles for three sets of usage; see more details below and in the attached document. Näytä hankinnat »
Mainitut toimittajat: Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings Ltd